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@total-typescript/ts-reset with next.js app router v13+
#next.js ─ #typescript ─ #how to5/18/2024

Learn how to setup ts-reset with next.js (@total-typescript/ts-reset)

ts-reset is a free tool that improves TypeScript's default type definitions. It makes them stricter, more consistent, and easier to use. By using ts-reset, you can prevent bugs related to type errors and make your code easier to read and maintain. It's similar to how css-reset standardizes styles across different browsers. ts-reset was created by Matt Pocock, who also developed Total TypeScript, a series of workshops designed to help you become highly skilled in TypeScript. If you want to master TypeScript, these workshops are highly recommended!

How to setup VS code editor to work with next.js and supabase edge functions at the same time (Deno support for VS code)
#how to ─ #next.js ─ #supabase1/16/2024

How to setup VS code editor to work with next.js and supabase edge functions at the same time (Deno support for VS code)

Learn how to work with supabase edge functions & next.js application in the same working directory of VS Code editor using their multiple code workspaces.

get source code from GitHub repo link provided in last
#how to ─ #next.js ─ #typescript5/18/2024

How to create a click to copy functionality in react based applications like next.js, remix, CRA by creating useClickToCopy() hook

creating hooks like useClickToCopy() in React projects provides numerous benefits such as code reuse, abstraction, and separation of concerns, which ultimately lead to improved code quality and developer productivity.

#Astro.js ─ #CSS ─ #how to2/27/2024

Creating Theme Toggling Functionality in astro.js using plain CSS with (source code)

In modern web development, providing users with the option to switch between different themes has become a popular feature. Whether it's a light mode for better readability during the day or a dark mode for reduced eye strain at night, offering theme toggling functionality can greatly enhance the user experience. In this article, we'll explore how to implement a simple theme toggling functionality using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Related Articles

  1. Learn how to setup ts-reset with next.js (@total-typescript/ts-reset)

  2. How to setup VS code editor to work with next.js and supabase edge functions at the same time (Deno support for VS code)

  3. How to create a click to copy functionality in react based applications like next.js, remix, CRA by creating useClickToCopy() hook

  4. Creating Theme Toggling Functionality in astro.js using plain CSS with (source code)